In accordance with the America Invents Act, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has submitted a report to Congress discussing key considerations for small businesses hoping to secure international intellectual property protection.
"For many small companies, patent protection prevents competitors from simply copying their innovations and aids in attracting investor capital needed to grow, build market share and create jobs," the report stated. "Yet small companies face significant challenges in acquiring, maintaining and enforcing patents outside the United States."
However, eager young firms hoping to overcome adversity with the help of government funding will likely have to wait. According to the report, there was "too little evidence" found in academic research of anecdotal assessments to suggest federal loans would help small businesses defray the costs of international IP protection.
Instead, the USPTO is planning a series of collaborative initiatives with the Small Business Administration to raise awareness for the merits of - and complexities within - international IP protection. Through dedicated educational outreach and concrete training programs, officials insisted that companies can be empowered to construct their own lucrative IP strategies.