The United Arab Emirates Ministry of Economy recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Korean Intellectual Property Office to develop strategies to improve intellectual property protections in the country, according to Gulf Business. The agreement involves KIPO helping to examine patent applications in the UAE, of which some 2,200 are expected to be processed by the end of the year.
The Ministry of Economy will set up a patent unit that follows international standards. This is meant to help raise awareness about intellectual property rights in the country, and to that end the patent task force will create programs and courses on intellectual property in the UAE.
"Securing intellectual and industrial property protection is a matter of integrity for any nation," Mohammed Ahmed Bin Abdul Aziz Al Shehhi, undersecretary, UAE Ministry of Economy, said in a statement. "The purpose of this MoU and other similar international conventions underlines the UAE's conviction about the crucial role that intellectual property plays in the business landscape to enable innovation, build a strong economy, promote sustainable development and attract foreign investments."
UAE authorities chose to partner with the KIPO after reviewing a number of similar organizations for their expertise and technical knowledge.