World Intellectual Property Day is a celebration put on by the World Intellectual Property Organization each year on April 26. This year, the theme is "Moves - A Global Passion." There will be a World Intellectual Property Day film festival in Geneva, and many similar events across the globe.
"Movies are also a direct product of intellectual property," WIPO Director General Francis Curry wrote in his message about this year's theme. "Think about how a film is made. You start with a script, which is the intellectual property of an author or screenwriter. Then there are the actors, whose performances are their intellectual property. Then there is music, in which the composers and the performers have IP. Numerous players contribute to creating a film, and to enabling us to watch it as a seamless performance, woven from a multiplicity of intellectual property."
Aside from film festivals, WIPO encourages member countries to host discussions on the importance of intellectual property in the film industry, and how it works in general and in particular cases. From copyrighting an initial idea to trademarking a film's elements for merchandising, intellectual property plays a role in every aspect of film production.