Innovation Asset Blog

Report: Caribbean countries need to improve IP laws

According to, the Caribbean, like most regions, is in desperate need of reform to its intellectual property laws.

The news provider points to Caricom, the region's IP authority, as one of the biggest problems. IP-Watch reported that Caricom has not implemented rigid enough structures for dispute resolution. Additionally, artists in the region repeatedly complain about poor protection offered by national governments or Caricom.

While each nation has some form of IP regulation, none are designed to address modern issues that arise every day. According to the news provider, two of the region's most obvious issues are with the Guyana Act of 1966 and Jamaica Act of 1993. Both offer some protection in the region, but they are woefully outdated and have not helped people, companies and others in the area leverage IP as well as regulations in other countries.

Experts have pointed to IP has a key driver in the growth of developing countries. However, for innovators in these regions to enjoy the full benefits of their work, their governments must create laws that allow for the protection of IP rights.

Peter Ackerman

Peter Ackerman

Founder & CEO, Innovation Asset Group, Inc.