Arizona State University received a $1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense to create the Pracademic Centre of Excellence in Technology Transfer. The PACE/T2, as it will be known, will be a collaboration between ASU's own tech transfer unit Arizona Enterprises, the university's Entrepreneurship and Innovation Group, Security and Defense Systems Initiative and the ASU W.P. Carey School of Business.
The PACE/T2 will support the DoD's goal of making technology transfer from government laboratories to private industry an easier process. ASU will use techniques it has developed from its in-house technology transfer efforts to help further the strategic objectives of the DoD. The organizations hope to increase the amount of intellectual property originating with the DoD that is licensed to private firms, and to increase awareness in the commercial world of dual-use technologies developed for defense purposes.
"This award is a testimony to the innovations in technology transfer and commercialization activities that are a core principle at ASU, and our ability to adapt these methodologies to other locations and institutions," Assistant Vice President for the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Group Gordon McConnell said in a statement.