In what some critics are calling an attempt to further control the smartphone market, Apple announced last week that it is suing Motorola over alleged patent infringements regarding the tech giant's iPhone mobile software.
Referencing specific IP violations regarding the iPhone's touch screen and user interface, Apple filed suit against Motorola's Droid, Cliq and Backflip mobile technologies, among others.
Court documents filed Friday claim Apple has patents on "smartphones and associated software, including operating systems, user interfaces, and other application software designed for use on, and loaded onto such devices."
However, according to PC World, Apple's touchscreen patent only covers the way in which the phone can determine scrolling and zoom intentions by the angle or movement of the user's fingers.
In light of the announcement, many are questioning Apple's basis for the lawsuit.
"(A victory) means that Apple will rule the world not on the basis of coming up with unique ideas, but for ruthlessly exploiting the bizarre U.S. patent system," wrote Nick Farrell for the Inquirer. "Of course it is doubtful that Apple ever had an original idea."
In 2006, Motorola was the second-largest cell phone manufacturer, but after the emergence and popularity of smartphones, the company's market share dropped significantly. Currently, it is the seventh-largest mobile phone maker in the world.